Helicopters are certainly some of the most multifunctional and useful vehicles man has ever created. They give the pilot a completely 3 dimensional access to the area around it. While a car can drive on land and an airplane can fly straight, helicopters can go up, side to side, down, and forwards as well as backwards. They are extremely practical for travelling both short and long distances, and a flying RC helicopter reflects all those qualities and more.

An RC helicopter is just a smaller version of a real life helicopter that is controlled by use of a radio transmitter. The transmitter, used by the pilot, sends the commands to the helicopter whether to fly up or turn around or increase lift. In some ways a flying RC helicopter is even harder to manage than a regular one in that you don’t see the direction the helicopter is flying. In a regular helicopter the pilot is within and sees from the perspective of the helicopter, while an RC helicopter pilot controls it from afar. Nevertheless the art of piloting a flying RC helicopter can be learned and is a fun and enjoyable hobby.

Many have wondered how exactly one of these helicopters works. Helicopters aren’t exactly simple mechanic devices, but can be broken down to 5 functioning basic parts which are the main rotor, tail rotor, collective control, cyclic control, and swash plate assembly. With the combination of these parts a RC helicopter harnesses the power of the air and uses it to fly. To understand the function of these various parts, read ahead.

The main rotor is composed of the large blades at the top of the helicopter. These function to lift the flying RC helicopter off the ground. As the blades spin the wind produced by their angled position cause the lift to occur.

Depending on the pitch angle the liftoff is quicker or slower.

The tail rotor functions to turn and spin the helicopter. They are located at the tail of the RC helicopter and are used to affect the yaw and control the rotation of the helicopter. Once again the speed and thrust power the tail rotor generates depends on the angle of the blades.

The collective control elevates the swash plate assembly as a whole, changing the pitch as the swash plate either is rising or falling. When it is increased the assembly is raised. All the blades change pitch as a unit and therefore the lift changes are a constant with every blade rotation.

The cyclic control has the function of tilting the swash plate and allows the flying RC helicopter to move in any direction in all angles.

Finally, the swash plate assembly links the blades of the helicopter to the main rotor shaft and allows the pilot’s controls to be set into action.

With the radio controller in your hand you don’t even need to know all the parts of the helicopter and can simply enjoy the act of flying it. A flying RC helicopter is a great hobby for anyone and a wonderful way to experience the thrill and excitement of flying a helicopter.

With RCAndMoreToys.com’s one-stop shopping, superior quality flying RC helicopter at incredible prices, you are sure to find exactly what you are looking for and much more.

Introduction to flying a helicopter independently

http://www.helicopterflight.ch In this film we will show you the essential aspects of a helicopter and how it flies. It is important for you to understand th…

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